
Dev C++ Programs Examples Pdf


C programming solved programs/examples. This section contains solved program on various popular topics of C Programming Language. As we know that C is the superset of C language, hence most of the programs already written in C programs section.

C programs with output showing usage of operators, loops, functions, arrays, performing operations on strings, files, pointers. Download executable files and execute them without compiling the source file. Code::Blocks IDE is used to write programs, most of these will work with GCC and Dev C++ compilers. The first program, prints 'Hello World.' Sam cooke change is coming mp3 download.

  1. To compile and run simple console applications such as those used as examples in these tutorials it is enough with opening the file with Dev-C and hit F11. As an example, try: File - New.
  2. Aug 19, 2011  Above example explains how to run graphics programs in Dev C(note it). Programs are similar to that in Turbo C(also similar built in graphics functions).But you should define the window Ex: (note 400, 300 are arbitrary) initwindow(400, 300, 'First Sample'); (not needed in Turbo C). Check my previous sample graphics programs like.
  3. C Basic Example Programs. Hello World C Example Program; Simple Program for Read user Input Using cin; Simple Addition ( Add Two Integers ) Example Program; if Statement Example Program in C; if.else Statement Example Program In C; If Else Ladder Example Program; Simple Switch Statement Example Program In C; For Loop Example Program.
  4. This book consists of volume II with another 100 programming examples of Object-Oriented Programming in C. Starting from the classes and ending to the system handling.

C programming examples with output

Example 1 - C hello world program
/** My first C program */

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf('Hello Worldn');

Output of program:
'Hello World'

Example 2 - C program to get input from a user using scanf

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int x;

printf('Input an integern');
scanf('%d',&x);// %d is used for an integer

printf('The integer is: %dn', x);


Input an integer
The integer is: 7897

Example 3 - using if else control instructions

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n;

printf('Enter a numbern');

if(n >0)
printf('Greater than zero.n');
printf('Less than or equal to zero.n');



Enter a number
Less than or equal to zero.

Example 4 - while loop example

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int c =1;// Initializing variable
while(c <=10)// While loop will execute till the condition is true
printf('%d ', c);// Note the space after %d for gap in the numbers we want in output

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Example 5 - C program check if an integer is prime or not

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, c;
printf('Enter a numbern');
if(n 2)
printf('Prime number.n');
for(c =2; c <= n -1; c++)
if(n % c 0)
if(c != n)
printf('Not prime.n');
printf('Prime number.n');

Example 6 - command line arguments

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc,char*argv[])
int c;


printf('Number of command line arguments passed: %dn', argc);

for(c =0; c < argc; c++)
printf('%d argument is %sn', c +1, argv[c]);


This program prints the number of arguments and their contents.

Example 7 - Array program

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int array[100], n, c;
printf('Enter number of elements in arrayn');
printf('Enter %d elementsn', n);
for(c =0; c < n; c++)
printf('The array elements are:n');
for(c =0; c < n; c++)
printf('%dn', array[c]);

Example 8 - function program

#include <stdio.h>

void my_function();// Declaring a function

int main()
printf('Main function.n');

Dev C++ Programs Examples Pdf Free

my_function();// Calling the function

printf('Back in function main.n');


// Defining the function
void my_function()
printf('Welcome to my function. Feel at home.n');

Example 9 - Using comments in a program

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// Single line comment in a C program
printf('Writing comments is very useful.n');
* Multi-line comment syntax
* Comments help us to understand a program later easily.
* Will you write comments while writing programs?

printf('Good luck C programmer.n');

Example 10 - using structures in C programming

#include <stdio.h>

Dev C++ Programs Examples Pdf Download

#include <string.h>

struct game
char game_name[50];
int number_of_players;
};// Note the semicolon

int main()
struct game g;


printf('Name of game: %sn', g.game_name);
printf('Number of players: %dn', g.number_of_players);


Dev C Programs Examples Pdf File

Example 11 - C program for Fibonacci series

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n, first =0, second =1, next, c;

printf('Enter the number of termsn');

printf('First %d terms of Fibonacci series are:n', n);

for(c =0; c < n; c++)
if(c <=1)
next = c;
next = first + second;
first = second;
second = next;
printf('%dn', next);

} Pioneer ddj sx traktor pro.

Example 12 - C graphics programming

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
outtextxy(10,20,'Graphics programming is fun!');

How to compile C programs with GCC compiler?

If you are using GCC on Linux operating system, then you may need to modify the programs. For example, consider the following program that prints the first ten natural numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
int c;

for(c =1; c <=10; c++)
printf('%dn', c);

The program includes a header file <conio.h> and uses function getch, but this file is Borland specific, so it works in Turbo C compiler but not in GCC. The program for GCC must be like:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int c;

/* for loop */

for(c =1; c <=10; c++)
printf('%dn', c);

If you are using GCC, save the program in a file say 'numbers.c' to compile the program, open the terminal and enter the command 'gcc numbers.c', this compile the program and to execute it enter the command './a.out' do not use quotes while executing commands. You can specify the output file name as 'gcc numbers.c -o numbers.out', to run execute './numbers.out' in the terminal.

C programming tutorial

A program consists of functions that contain instructions given to a machine to perform a task. The process of writing it includes designing an algorithm, drawing a flowchart, and then writing code. After writing it, you need to test it and debug it if it does not produce the required output.

To write a program, you need a text editor (use your favorite one) and a compiler. A compiler converts source code into machine code, which consists of zero's and one's only, ready to be executed on a machine.

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides a text editor, compiler, debugger, etc. for developing programs and managing projects. Code::Blocks IDE provides an ideal environment for development. It can import Microsoft Visual C++ projects, is extendable as it uses plug-ins, open-source, and cross-platform.

How to write a C program?

A program must have at least one function which must be main. A function consists of declarations and statements. A statement is an expression followed by a semicolon. For example, a + b, printf('C program examples') are expressions and a + b; and printf('C is an easy to learn computer programming language'); are statements.

To use a variable, we must indicate its type, whether it is an integer, float, character, or others. C language has many built-in data types, and we can create our own using structures and unions. Every data type has its size that may depend on the machine; for example, an integer may be of 2 or 4 Bytes. Data is stored in a binary form, i.e., a group of bits where each bit can be '0' or '1'.

Keywords such as 'switch,' 'case,' 'default,' 'register,' are reserved words with predefined meaning and can't be used as the name of a variable or a function. Memory can be allocated at compile-time or run-time using malloc and calloc functions. C language has many features such as recursion, preprocessor, conditional compilation, portability, pointers, multi-threading by using external libraries, dynamic memory allocation. Thanks to these, it is used for making portable software programs and applications. Using networking API's users can communicate and interact with each other and share files.

C standard library contains functions for mathematical operations, characters, input/output, files, and many more. The process of making a program which is known as coding requires knowledge of programming language and logic to achieve the desired output. So you should learn C programming basics and start making programs.

Learning data structures (stacks, queues, linked lists) using C provides you a greater understanding as you learn everything in detail. A general belief is to go for high-level languages. However, it's a good idea to learn C before learning C++ or Java. C++ is object-oriented and contains all features of C, so learning C help you learn C++ quickly, then you can study Java.

C programming PDF

C programming books

  1. Let Us C By Yashavant Kanetkar
  2. PROGRAMMING WITH C By Byron Gottfried, Jitender Chhabra
  3. The C Programming By Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

If you are a beginner, buy any one of the first two books, and if you have previous programming experience or you know the basics of C language, buy the third one.

  • Latest Version:

    DEV-C++ 5.11 LATEST

  • Requirements:

    Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

  • Author / Product:

    Bloodshed Software / DEV-C++

  • Old Versions:

  • Filename:

    Dev-Cpp 5.11 TDM-GCC 4.9.2 Setup.exe

  • MD5 Checksum:


  • Details:

    DEV-C++ 2020 full offline installer setup for PC 32bit/64bit

DEV-C++ is a fully-featured integrated development environment (IDE) for creating, debugging and creating applications written in a popular C++ programming language. Even though tools for the development of C++ software have undergone countless upgrades over the years, a large number of developers located all around the world have expressed a wish to continue using DEV-C++. This IDE platform has proven itself as highly reliable and intuitive, giving developers access to all of their necessary tools, in-depth debugging, and most importantly, a stable error-free environment for the development of apps of all sizes – from small school tasks to large business projects intended for both internal and public use.
The app is an open-source IDE environment, offering software solutions and the necessary tools for C++ app development. However, be aware that its toolset is focused more on novices and basic programming, and that open source community has not updated its toolset for a considerable time. Still, what is present in its latest version represents a highly-capable C++ IDE that could be used for years without encountering any issue.
If you are a novice, are a student who wants to create C++ project in a stable and easy to use software environment, or even if you are a seasoned programmer who wants to access C++ programming inside small IDE that will not strain your computer resources, DEV-C++ represents a perfect choice. It has all the required tools and feature sets for creating small to mid-sized apps.

Dev C++ Pdf

It runs on all modern versions of Windows and can be used without any restrictions for free. It was originally developed as an open-source fork of the Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE.
Installation and Use
Even though DEV-C++ is filled with advanced compiler, debugger and a wide array of dev tools, it’s installation package is quite small (only around 50 MB) and therefore can be easily installed on any modern Windows PC or laptop. Just follow the onscreen instructions, and in mere seconds DEV C plus plus will be ready for running. Other more developed modern IDE environments, on the other hand, require much more storage space, and their installation can run for minutes.
Once up and running, you will be welcomed in a user-friendly interface that can be additionally customized to better fit your needs. The main window of the app follows the basic structure of many other modern IDE environments, with top row of dropdown menus and buttons that are shortcuts to its many built-in tools, a large vertical three-tabbed area for managing Projects, Classes and Debug listings, and of course, the main project area (with support for tabs) where you can start programming your apps. Both the app and the current project can be customized extensively. App Options window features tabs for Genera, Fonts, Colors, Code Insertion, Class Browsing, and Autosave customizations. Environment Options feature tabs for General, Directories, External Programs, File Associations, and CVS support customization.
Features and Highlights

Dev C++ Program Download

  • Fully-featured IDE for developing C++ apps.
  • User-friendly interface with many tools for managing project development.
  • Resource-light and unobtrusive feature set.
  • Focused on novices and mid-level programmers who want stability and reliability.
  • Powerful compiler and debugger.
  • Compatible with all the modern versions of Windows OS