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Finalizers (which are also called destructors) are used to perform any necessary final clean-up when a class instance is being collected by the garbage collector.

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  • Please note that the correct title of this article is C#, however because of technical restrictions it's called 'C Sharp'. C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft and standardized by the ECMA and ISO. Its syntax is similar to C, but with significant differences in functionality. It was designed to be used to.
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  • Finalizers cannot be defined in structs. They are only used with classes.

  • A class can only have one finalizer.

  • Finalizers cannot be inherited or overloaded.

  • Finalizers cannot be called. They are invoked automatically. /auto-tune-efx-3-demo-download.html.

  • A finalizer does not take modifiers or have parameters.

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For example, the following is a declaration of a finalizer for the Car class.


A finalizer can also be implemented as an expression body definition, as the following example shows.

The finalizer implicitly calls Finalize on the base class of the object. Therefore, a call to a finalizer is implicitly translated to the following code:

This means that the Finalize method is called recursively for all instances in the inheritance chain, from the most-derived to the least-derived.


Empty finalizers should not be used. When a class contains a finalizer, an entry is created in the Finalize queue. When the finalizer is called, the garbage collector is invoked to process the queue. An empty finalizer just causes a needless loss of performance.

The programmer has no control over when the finalizer is called because this is determined by the garbage collector. The garbage collector checks for objects that are no longer being used by the application. If it considers an object eligible for finalization, it calls the finalizer (if any) and reclaims the memory used to store the object.


In .NET Framework applications (but not in .NET Core applications), finalizers are also called when the program exits.

It is possible to force garbage collection by calling Collect, but most of the time, this should be avoided because it may create performance issues.

Using finalizers to release resources

In general, C# does not require as much memory management as is needed when you develop with a language that does not target a runtime with garbage collection. This is because the .NET Framework garbage collector implicitly manages the allocation and release of memory for your objects. However, when your application encapsulates unmanaged resources such as windows, files, and network connections, you should use finalizers to free those resources. When the object is eligible for finalization, the garbage collector runs the Finalize method of the object.

Explicit release of resources

If your application is using an expensive external resource, we also recommend that you provide a way to explicitly release the resource before the garbage collector frees the object. You do this by implementing a Dispose method from the IDisposable interface that performs the necessary cleanup for the object. This can considerably improve the performance of the application. Even with this explicit control over resources, the finalizer becomes a safeguard to clean up resources if the call to the Dispose method failed.

For more details about cleaning up resources, see the following topics:


The following example creates three classes that make a chain of inheritance. The class First is the base class, Second is derived from First, and Third is derived from Second. All three have finalizers. In Main, an instance of the most-derived class is created. When the program runs, notice that the finalizers for the three classes are called automatically, and in order, from the most-derived to the least-derived.

C# language specification

For more information, see the Destructors section of the C# language specification.

See also

In the mathematical discipline of set theory, 0# (zero sharp, also 0#) is the set of true formulae about indiscernibles and order-indiscernibles in the Gödel constructible universe. It is often encoded as a subset of the integers (using Gödel numbering), or as a subset of the hereditarily finite sets, or as a real number. Its existence is unprovable in ZFC, the standard form of axiomatic set theory, but follows from a suitable large cardinal axiom. It was first introduced as a set of formulae in Silver's 1966 thesis, later published as Silver (1971), where it was denoted by Σ, and rediscovered by Solovay (1967, p.52), who considered it as a subset of the natural numbers and introduced the notation O# (with a capital letter O; this later changed to the numeral '0').

Dev c++ serial port communication. Roughly speaking, if 0# exists then the universe V of sets is much larger than the universe L of constructible sets, while if it does not exist then the universe of all sets is closely approximated by the constructible sets.


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Zero sharp was defined by Silver and Solovay as follows. Consider the language of set theory with extra constant symbols c1, c2, .. for each positive integer. Then 0# is defined to be the set of Gödel numbers of the true sentences about the constructible universe, with ci interpreted as the uncountable cardinal ℵi.(Here ℵi means ℵi in the full universe, not the constructible universe.)

There is a subtlety about this definition: by Tarski's undefinability theorem it is not, in general, possible to define the truth of a formula of set theory in the language of set theory. To solve this, Silver and Solovay assumed the existence of a suitable large cardinal, such as a Ramsey cardinal, and showed that with this extra assumption it is possible to define the truth of statements about the constructible universe. More generally, the definition of 0# works provided that there is an uncountable set of indiscernibles for some Lα, and the phrase '0# exists' is used as a shorthand way of saying this.

There are several minor variations of the definition of 0#, which make no significant difference to its properties. There are many different choices of Gödel numbering, and 0# depends on this choice. Instead of being considered as a subset of the natural numbers, it is also possible to encode 0# as a subset of formulae of a language, or as a subset of the hereditarily finite sets, or as a real number.

Statements implying existence[edit]

The condition about the existence of a Ramsey cardinal implying that 0# exists can be weakened. The existence of ω1-Erdős cardinals implies the existence of 0#. This is close to being best possible, because the existence of 0# implies that in the constructible universe there is an α-Erdős cardinal for all countable α, so such cardinals cannot be used to prove the existence of 0#.

Chang's conjecture implies the existence of 0#.

Statements equivalent to existence[edit]

Kunen showed that 0# exists if and only if there exists a non-trivial elementary embedding for the Gödel constructible universeL into itself.

Donald A. Martin and Leo Harrington have shown that the existence of 0# is equivalent to the determinacy of lightface analytic games. In fact, the strategy for a universal lightface analytic game has the same Turing degree as 0#.

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It follows from Jensen's covering theorem that the existence of 0# is equivalent to ωω being a regular cardinal in the constructible universe L.

Silver showed that the existence of an uncountable set of indiscernibles in the constructible universe is equivalent to the existence of 0#.

Consequences of existence and non-existence[edit]

Its existence implies that every uncountablecardinal in the set-theoretic universe V is an indiscernible in L and satisfies all large cardinal axioms that are realized in L (such as being totally ineffable). It follows that the existence of 0# contradicts the axiom of constructibility: V = L.

If 0# exists, then it is an example of a non-constructible Δ1
set of integers. This is in some sense the simplest possibility for a non-constructible set, since all Σ1
and Π1
sets of integers are constructible.

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On the other hand, if 0# does not exist, then the constructible universe L is the core model—that is, the canonical inner model that approximates the large cardinal structure of the universe considered. In that case, Jensen's covering lemma holds:

For every uncountable set x of ordinals there is a constructible y such that xy and y has the same cardinality as x.

This deep result is due to Ronald Jensen. Using forcing it is easy to see that the condition that x is uncountable cannot be removed. For example, consider Namba forcing, that preserves ω1{displaystyle omega _{1}} and collapses ω2{displaystyle omega _{2}} to an ordinal of cofinalityω{displaystyle omega }. Let G{displaystyle G} be an ω{displaystyle omega }-sequence cofinal on ω2L{displaystyle omega _{2}^{L}} and generic over L. Then no set in L of L-size smaller than ω2L{displaystyle omega _{2}^{L}} (which is uncountable in V, since ω1{displaystyle omega _{1}} is preserved) can cover G{displaystyle G}, since ω2{displaystyle omega _{2}} is a regular cardinal.

Other sharps[edit]

If x is any set, then x# is defined analogously to 0# except that one uses L[x] instead of L. See the section on relative constructibility in constructible universe.

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See also[edit]

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  • 0, a set similar to 0# where the constructible universe is replaced by a larger inner model with a measurable cardinal.


  • Drake, F. R. (1974). Set Theory: An Introduction to Large Cardinals (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics ; V. 76). Elsevier Science Ltd. ISBN0-444-10535-2.
  • Harrington, Leo (1978), 'Analytic determinacy and 0#', The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 43 (4): 685–693, doi:10.2307/2273508, ISSN0022-4812, JSTOR2273508, MR0518675
  • Jech, Thomas (2003). Set Theory. Springer Monographs in Mathematics (Third Millennium ed.). Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN978-3-540-44085-7. Zbl1007.03002.
  • Kanamori, Akihiro (2003). The Higher Infinite : Large Cardinals in Set Theory from Their Beginnings (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN3-540-00384-3.
  • Martin, Donald A. (1970), 'Measurable cardinals and analytic games', Polska Akademia Nauk. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 66: 287–291, ISSN0016-2736, MR0258637
  • Silver, Jack H. (1971) [1966], 'Some applications of model theory in set theory', Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 3 (1): 45–110, doi:10.1016/0003-4843(71)90010-6, ISSN0168-0072, MR0409188
  • Solovay, Robert M. (1967), 'A nonconstructible Δ1
    set of integers', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 127: 50–75, doi:10.2307/1994631, ISSN0002-9947, JSTOR1994631, MR0211873
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