
Install Libjson-c-dev Ubuntu


Installing via Package Manager

  1. How to Install libjson-c-dev in Ubuntu 18.04. Install libjson-c-dev by entering the following commands in the terminal: sudo apt update sudo apt install libjson-c-dev.
  2. Download libjson-c-dev0.12.1-1.3amd64.deb for 18.04 LTS from Ubuntu Main repository.

ZMap operates on GNU/Linux, macOS, and BSD. The latest stable version (v2.1.1)can be installed using most OS package managers:

Install libjson-c-dev ubuntu windows 7

Ubuntu Developers (Mail Archive) Please consider filing a bug or asking a question via Launchpad before contacting the maintainer directly. Original Maintainers (usually from Debian).

Fedora 19+ or EPEL 6+sudo yum install zmap
Debian 8+ or Ubuntu 14.04+sudo apt install zmap
Gentoosudo emerge zmap
macOS (using Homebrew)brew install zmap
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S zmap

Building from Source

Installing ZMap Dependencies

Install Libjson-c-dev Ubuntu Mac

ZMap has the following dependencies:

  • CMake - Cross-platform, open-source build system
  • GMP - Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
  • gengetopt - Command line option parsing for C programs
  • libpcap - Famous user-level packet capture library
  • flex and byacc - Output filter lexer and parser generator
  • json-c - JSON implementation in C
  • libunistring - Unicode string library for C
  • libdnet - (macOS Only) Gateway and route detection

In addition, the following optional packages enable optional ZMap functionality:

  • hiredis - RedisDB support in C

Install the required dependencies with the following commands.

Install Libjson-c-dev Ubuntu Windows 7

  • The science of good cooking pdf download. On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu):

  • On RHEL- and Fedora-based systems (including CentOS):

  • On macOS systems (using Homebrew):

Building and Installing ZMap

Install Libjson-c-dev Ubuntu 10

Once these prerequisites are installed, ZMap can be compiled by running:

and then installed via sudo make install.

Install Libjson-c-dev Ubuntu Laptop

Development Notes

  • Enabling development turns on debug symbols, and turns off optimizations.Release builds should be built with -DENABLE_DEVELOPMENT=OFF.

  • Enabling log_trace can have a major performance impact and should not be usedexcept during early development. Release builds should be built with -DENABLE_LOG_TRACE=OFF.

  • Redis support is not enabled by default. If you want to use ZMap with Redis,you will first need to install hiredis. Then run cmake with -DWITH_REDIS=ON.Debian/Ubuntu has packaged hiredis as libhiredis-dev; Fedora and RHEL/CentOShave packaged it as hiredis-devel.

  • Building packages for some systems like Fedora and RHEL requires a user-definabledirectory (buildroot) to put files. The way to respect this prefix is to run cmakewith -DRESPECT_INSTALL_PREFIX_CONFIG=ON.

  • Manpages (and their HTML representations) are generated from the .ronn sourcefiles in the repository, using the ronn tool.This does not happen automatically as part of the build process; to regenerate theman pages you'll need to run make manpages. This target assumes that ronn isin your PATH. /guitar-vst-effects-free-download.html.

  • Building with some versions of CMake may fail with unable to find parser.h.If this happens, try updating CMake. If it still fails, don't clone ZMap into apath that contains the string .com, and try again.

  • ZMap may be installed to an alternative directory, with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIXoption. For example, to install it in $HOME/opt run